About Shana:
I married for the first time when I was 46. Like a lot of single women, I thought getting married would just happen, kind of like graduating from kindergarten or getting my high school diploma. But it didn’t happen that way at all. And when it didn’t, I experienced some pretty painful and confusing emotions. (Maybe you can relate.) I had been praying for years for someone special to come into my life. (Maybe you can relate to this, too!) I grieved not having children and my story not turning out the way I expected. (And. . . maybe this makes you say, "I get it!") But something interesting started happening after I (finally!) tied the knot in my early forties. Single women like you started reaching out to me to ask me for relationship advice. Read More https://www.singleover30.net/ |
About Kris:
Kris Swiatocho is in full-time ministry focusing on single adults. She is the author of 7 books, including: Intentional Relationships for Singles. For more information, www.TheSinglesNetwork.org Ministries and/or www.KrisSwiatochoMinistries.org |
Kathy and I have had the pleasure of working with Kris of The Single Network Ministries at several events over the past three years. We always look forward to her insight and creative ways to connect with her audience sharing the Word of God with encouragement, humor and just being real. You will want to catch her for sure the next time she is in your area. Her sense of humor is a hoot and infectious.
—Kathy and Klay Watson, Dating His Way Ministries
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638 Spartanburg Hwy Ste 70-113 Hendersonville, NC 28792 • 919.434.3611 [email protected] Designed by Yes! Marketing & Design Services |
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