Overall Singles Ministry
Boundless Magazine - Website for those dating/seeking marriage; owned by Focus on the Family Celebrate Recovery - A biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory. Christian Singles Go - Resource that list singles ministries from all over the US. You can add your group. Christian Single Hub - A ministry focused on singles in their 30-40's including retreats, conferences, seminars and books. Club Solo - Australian singles ministry that includes several major cities. College Ministry - This Web site offers information and resources for leaders of singles in college. Come Tell a Story Complete in Christ -Discipleship for Christian Singles in the NY Tri-State Area Crosswalk - Website magazine for our daily walk with God including a singles section and newsletter. CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) - Ministry reaching college and young adults all over the world. Family Life: Radio, Community and Singles Ministry to the NY/NJ area. Freedom Coaching by Jill Monaco Genesis OK - Area wide singles ministry Labor Day Singles - Annual nation-wide singles retreat in NC Mountains. New Beginning Support - Ministry gears towards helping those in the LGBT community. New Testament COG UK - Denomination that has a singles minister and tons of great resources. Passion 37.4 - Canadian Singles Ministry designed to connect singles for community and growth in the Lord. The Porch - Young and Single Adult City-Wide Ministry, Dallas, TX Pray for a Mate - Great resource to help grow your existing singles ministry or help attract singles to your ministry. Purity Quest - PurityQuest.net is a Christian website for any and all individuals who desire to honor God with a pure heart and lifestyle. Purposeful Single - This Web site has a ton of great resources from daily devotions, to articles to books. Single Christians UK - Resource to help connect, grow, and educate people about singles adults/ministry. Singles Cruises and Events - This website has a ton of cruises/events from around the US. Single Minded Singles Community/Conferences/Webinars, AU Singles Pleasing the Lord - Speaker, event, articles Threads - Bible studies for college and young adults. Willesden NT COG - London, UK XXXChurch.com - Website that offers amazing conferences dealing with porn addiction. Grief/Death Griefshare - GriefShare features resources to assist and encourage people grieving the death of a friend or family member. Walking with Joy - Counselor, educator Joy Gaertner Single Parent Ministry
Arise Ministries - Website/ministry for women and single moms. Break Away Ministries - Weekly Bible study at Texas A&M to college students. Great resources and video's. Dad's for Life - Great ministry to single dads. Divorce Care for Kids - A powerful new resource to help your church minister to the child of divorce. The DC4K curriculum provides the resources you need to start and sustain an effective lay-led ministry for children ages 5-12. Family Life Today - Besides being focused on traditional families, they also offer information on single parent family and single adults. First Baptist Church - Houston, TX: Large single parent ministry with staff. James Cruise Ministries - Our mission is to provide Biblically based, education, inspiration, strengthening and empowerment which gives HOPE to those going through difficult times and to single parents and their families. Helping Loving Partnerships for our Kids - Ministry led by Linda Jacobs, developer of Divorce Care for Kids. The Life of a Single Mom - speaker/author Jennifer Maggio has created an amazing resource including curriculum to start a single mom's ministry. Find a single mom's support group near you. Single and Parenting - The ultimate single parenting materials by Church Initiative. Single Mom University - The Life of a Single Mom online courses Single Parent Ministries - Ministry led by Dawn Vanderwerff for single parents. Single Praying Mothers Worldwide SMORE - Single Moms - Overjoyed, Rejuvenated, Encouraged! SOLO Parent Society The Single Mom KC - KC is a hospitality based organization that seeks to help single mothers walk in a HOPE for their future. Relationships/Separation/Divorce Symbis - New resource for pastors who counsel singles in marriage. Pre-marriage assessments plus other tools. DivorceCare - Serving divorced adults through support groups and seminars at churches around the country; helping people deal with the pain of the past and look forward to the rebuilding process. www.DivorceSupportAnonymous.com Family Life Today - Huge website on many topics including singles. Focus on the Family - Huge world-wide ministry/website specializing in the family single or traditional. Click here for a new video talking about singleness. Heart of Dating Podcast Instep Ministries - Single-Again, Blended Families, Restoration. Intentional Relationship Solutions Living Single Again - Resources for Separation, Divorce, Remarriage Disclaimer: Due to some of the graphical terms used in these video's, some people might be offended. Marriage Prep Course - UK developed marriage prep course that you can lead in your church/ministry. Real Relationships - This is the website of the ministry by Les and Leslie Parrott on dating and marriage. Rodgers Christian Counseling/Resources - This ministry works with singles by offering counseling as well as conferences and retreats. Successful Step Families - Great website filled with information for those getting married to those with kids, blending families, etc. |
UK: Single Friendly Church ResourceFind a Single's Ministry Near YouMeetups and Zoom GroupsThese ministries are now open to those outside their area. Each one offers Bibles studies, webinars, movie nights, game nights and local events.
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638 Spartanburg Hwy Ste 70-113 Hendersonville, NC 28792 • 919.434.3611 [email protected] Designed by Yes! Marketing & Design Services |
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