2014 Tour
2013 Tour2012 Tour |
2014 UK Tour: Success!
![]() Well, I am back and so very excited about what God is doing in the UK.
HIGHLIGHTS: • I got to speak at several venues, sharing more about the ministry and what God is doing. • I met with various regional leaders who are anxious to learn more about how to grow their ministries as well as train future leaders. • Launch party that included testimonials from various leaders on how they started their ministries, the value of singles ministry and how The Singles Network helped them get started. • Future planning with Pastor Rod and Pastor Chris in regards to partnership of Christian Single Mix. • Plans for future annual leadership retreat and singles retreat. • Discussion on topics such as growth, dealing with pastors/churches who don't seem to care or understand, where are all the men, planning strategic socials vs. just socials, etc. • Networked with other authors/speakers. • Prayer for the ministry and future. Plus I really learned how to get around using the bus, taxi's and the tube. I met so many new people and had the opportunity to pray with them. Thanks for all your prayers. We look forward to the next steps. The Singles Network UK is being hosted and supported by Christian Single MIx, led by Pastor Chris, [email protected] and Rod Keanne, [email protected]. [Christian Single Mix is a ministry design to not only connect singles for friendships and dating but also to grow them in the Lord, provide resources including leadership development.] HOW YOU CAN CONTINUE TO PRAY: • Resources to travel to the UK and back again for 2 months • For continued expansion in London and the UK as God leads. • For continued resources her in the US and the UK for the work. • For radio/tv opportunities. • For networking, new ideas, open doors. • For continue outreach to the single adults, their leaders, their pastors and their churches/ministries. We want to reach the lost, get them saved, help them grow, develop their gifts so they can in turn do the same. • To bind the enemy in every part. WE CAN NOT DO THIS WITHOUT YOU PRAYING! 2014 SCHEDULE: •Leave May 22nd, Arrive May 23rd May 23rd UK Team Meeting Saturday, May 24th Movie Premier: Qualified Yet Single Discussion & Q&A afterwards. Time: 7:30pm (free event) Location: ARC BBs, 53 Hampton Road, Forest Gate London E7 OPD Contact: Janet Wolfe, [email protected] Sunday, May 25th: Morning Message Speaker: Kris Swiatocho Topic: Fall Back, Spring Forward: There is a season. Location: KIngs Church, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 5AH Contact: Pastor Fernando de Paula, [email protected] Friday, May 30th Singles event Speaker: Kris Swiatocho Topic: Got Friends? Location: KIngs Church, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 5AH Contact: Pastor Fernando de Paula, [email protected] Saturday, May 31st Grand Opening of The Singles Network UK Division Location: The Bridge Church, 29 Princes Rd, Buckhurst Hill, Essex IG9 EE Contact: Pastor Chris Kapnisis [email protected] Sunday, May 31st Morning Message Location: The Bridge Church, 29 Princes Rd, Buckhurst Hill, Essex IG9 EE Contact: Pastor Chris Kapnisis [email protected] For more information to if you would like Kris or Janet to come and speak at your church, contact me at 919.434.3611 or [email protected] JOIN THE PRAYER TEAM! If you would like to be on our prayer team, click here. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO DONATE, click here. 2013 UK Tour a Success
This years tour to the Uk was beyond words. So many people, so many churches, so many changed lives. From working at the ARC church in Forest Gate, to The Bridge in Essex, to City Gates in Ilford not to mention SingleLyfe's singles retreat, all was simply amazing. Please see some of the pictures of the various services, retreats, gatherings, Bible studies, training, etc. See below for the schedule and church locations. Not only did I see people get saved, I saw and prayed with several that needed direction and affirmation. I also was able to witness/start conversations with over 20 muslims, 2 atheist, and a few who weren't sure what they believed. I was most encouraged by the young ones, teens and twenty-somethings that God was able to reach through me. Please see my Facebook page to read my day by day account of how lives changed, including my own. 2013 UK Tour, London and surrounding areas
I am so excited to be able to return to the UK to speak this fall. I am scheduled to speak at the "Facing your Giants" retreat as well as The Bridge Church, the ARC church and City Gates. I am also working on some other venues.
Schedule to date: Sept 5-Sept 30th Sunday, Sept 8th: Consulting at The ARC Church Time: 8am-12 noon Monday-Friday, Sept 9-13th: Meetings with Leaders of The ARC Church Contact: Pastor Peter Nembhard Saturday, Sept 14th: KIngs Church, Harrow, Middx Topic: Singles leadership training Time: 4:45 to 5:45pm Break/Meal: 6pm-7pm Topic: Singles Launch Time: 7:30pm-9pm Contact: Pastor Fernando de Paula Sunday, Sept 15th Consulting at the ARC church Time: 8am-12noon Topic: Leadership Training for whole church Time: 3pm-6:30pm Contact: Pastor Peter Nembhard Tuesday, Sept 17th: Consulting with the ARC Church Contact: Pastor Peter Nembhard September 20-22nd: Singles Retreat Topic: Singles Retreat "Facing Your Giants" Location: High Leigh Christian Conference Centre Contact: Janet Wolfe Sunday, September 22nd: Evening Services Location:The Bridge Church, Woodrow, Essex, UK, IG9 5EE Topic: REVIVE- Healing in a resting Place (for whole church) Contact: Pastor Chris Kapnisis Monday, Sept 23rd: All Singles Topic: Tough Questions Singles Ask/Discussion Groups Location: The Bridge Church, Woodrow, Essex, UK, IG9 5EE Time; 7:30pm Contact: Pastor Chris Kapnisis Monday-Tues, Sept 23-24th: Video-taping for Singles Ministry/Singles Mix Tues, Sept 24th pm: Private consult with Pastor Chris and Pastor Rod, The Bridge Church Thurs, Sept 26th: Young Singles (20 Somethings) Topic: How to Lose A Guy/Girl in 10 Days Location: The Centre, 316 High Road, Ilford Time: 7.30pm-9.30pm Contact: Stephen McEwen Saturday, Sept 28th: Women's Event Topic: From the Manger to the Cross, The Women in Jesus' Life Location: City Women, City Gates women's ministry, All Saints Church, Woodford Wells Time: 10:30-1:30pm Contact: Julia Derbyshire Sunday Sept 29th: Sunday am services Location: City Gate Church, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1QW Topic: Finding Your Purpose TIme: 9.30am & 11.30am Sunday Sept 29th: Sunday pm services Topic: Sharing Jesus Without Fear Time: 6.30pm Location: Ilford Baptist Church, 322 High Road, Ilford IG1 1QP Monday: Return to the US |
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638 Spartanburg Hwy Ste 70-113 Hendersonville, NC 28792 • 919.434.3611 [email protected] Designed by Yes! Marketing & Design Services |
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