Welcome to The Singles Network MinistriesWe are the largest resource in the world for ministry to and for single and young adults. We are designed to help you start, grow, and maintain your single adult ministry. Sign up for our monthly newsletter and/or join our prayer team. We also appreciate any comments, suggestions, support, and resources for our site. Thanks so much for visiting, and we hope to see you at one of our training or teaching events. —Kris Swiatocho, Director
WNC, we will return!To read more about the Hurricane Relief we are doing, click here.
Joining Forces for Hurricane ReliefHi friends, this is Kris with Kris Swiatocho Ministries and The Singles Network Ministries. Brittany Roland and I had the fun and honor of being a featured video guest on Deep River Farm YT Channel, hosted by Wayne Allred. We got to share the need we have of getting folks out of living in their cars, tents, hotels and couches, into campers and tiny sheds. Watch Here
What Does The Bible Say About Singlenessby Kris Swiatocho
Being single can be challenging, regardless of whether you are a young adult, a single parent, divorced, widowed, or never married. Each of these life stages comes with its unique burdens and blessings. While many single people would prefer to be in a relationship, what they often seek most is community. No one wants to navigate life alone. This is why it’s more important than ever for us to come together—both married and single—to support and minister to one another. We need accountability through discipleship and should learn to value our current season until God leads us to a different chapter in our lives. Read More
Singles Conference, New Vision Church, Murfreesboro, TN, March 1st, 2025So Much FruitWe appreciate your donations!![]() Every penny makes a difference in changing lives!
One Thing!by Shelley Pulliam, Arise Single Moms
![]() January always feels like a blank canvas or a pristine field of snow. It’s clean, free of regrets, and full of possibilities. We enter the new year while often declaring this one will be different. We have hope. We commence making a list of all of the ways we’ll change, organize, and accomplish our goals. The plan kicks off, we are dedicated for a week, and then life happens and we spiral into disappointment at ourselves. Read More
Help Kris return to the UK/Greece for Missions in April, Click here to learn more!
UK Singles Retreat: Registration is now open--limited space!![]() How do I talk to my pastor about starting a singles ministry? How to deal with difficult singles? How do I market our ministry? My singles never want to do anything? How do I build leaders? Get the answers to these questions and much more. Read More
Ministry of the Month: Arise Single Moms MinistryOvercomer: The Names of God |
How to Start a Singles MinistryWe're a phone call away to help you get started!
![]() Once you have started your Intentional Relationship course, here are some other resources:
Watch these videos in order:
>More Videos from Others Download these free outlines by Kris Swiatocho:
Visit Tools for more free resources
Leaders That Last 6-Week Curriculum $59![]() For groups starting or wanting to grow, don't forget about "Leaders That Last" Curriculum by Kris Swiatocho. A great 6-week study/training that will take your leadership from the basics of their calling into singles ministry to building the team.
LaborDaySingles.org Registration is now Open!The Challenges of Dating Later in Lifeby Shana Schutte
Jenna, Elisabeth, John, and Suzanne all thought they would have found Mr. or Mrs. Right years earlier, but life didn’t turn out as planned. By now, these thirty- and forty-somethings have all been playing the dating game a lot longer than they’d care to admit.
But first, let’s set the record straight: This group may feel frustrated with their dating choices, but they’re still a happy, emotionally well-adjusted bunch who all want to marry. Moreover, they have good jobs, attend church regularly, and are responsible, civic-minded citizens. Still, their marital status begs each one to confront the one maddeningly elusive question: Why haven’t I found my true love? Saturday, March 29th, 2025, Hendersonville, NCSingle Parent Ministry Training![]() Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deu 6:4-5
Intentional Relationships: Missionary Datingby Kris Swiatocho, Director
There I was, in my twenties, standing at the entrance of my church for what felt like the hundredth time. I was waiting for Bob, or maybe it was John, or perhaps Dave. Ultimately, it didn't matter because there seemed to be a pattern. I would meet these great guys who'd say, "Sure, I go to church," which was good enough for me to consider dating them. I would arrive at church early, eagerly anticipating their arrival, only to be met with disappointment when they wouldn't show up. Other times, they would arrive late, appearing bored and distracted. When was I going to figure it out? Read More
Resource for Single Leaders: How to Start a Bereavement Ministry |
© 2024 The Singles Network Ministries
638 Spartanburg Hwy Ste 70-113 Hendersonville, NC 28792 • 919.434.3611 [email protected] Designed by Yes! Marketing & Design Services |
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